Post Date:
20 APRIL 2021

The XI All-Ukrainian scientific conference ““Social and humane aspects of modern society development - 2021” was held at the Faculty FPSC, SumDU. The meeting took place on 15-16 April.

About 145 representatives of various higher educational establishments in Ukraine took part in this event. Besides the fact that it organized in Ukraine, there were both Ukrainian and foreign students. The conference was held with the help of Google Meet. Everyone could perform with their own speeches.

It should be said, that all reports were prepared according to certain section. There were such sections, as Romano-Germanic linguistics, translation, foreign language teaching, social communications, role of religion and culture in society, security studies, psychological workshops, and problems of community management.

 The head was Graduate Associate of the Department of Germanic Philology Vitalii Stepanov of such sections, as “Problems of Romano-Germanic Linguistics”, “Translation Studios” and “Foreign language as a means of professional communication”. In particular, the report of Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology Olena Medvid and the student Oleksandra Kucheruk “Lexico-semantic field of publicist discourse” investigated of its formation and clarified peculiarities of functioning of its elements. In the report of the Senior Lecture of the Department of Germanic Philology Alla Krasulia and the student Anzhelika Shumylo “Anglophone advertisements: linguistic aspects of translation” were analyzed the linguistic means of expressions of Anglophone advertising slogans, namely epithet, metaphor and pun. In addition, they described the peculiarities of their translation into Ukrainian language. The Associate Professor Nataliia Petrushova and the lecturer Olha Petrovych had the report too. They are from Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko. In their report “Features of reading professionally oriented texts from a foreign language in higher education institutions” they noted the importance of reading authentic texts by specialty as one of the effective ways of formation of a foreign language personality of a student in classes on a foreign language. Other reports were presented in the following sections: “Modern problems of teaching Ukrainian (Russian), English as a foreign language”, “Religion and culture in the life of society”. Their heads were Maryna Nabok, the Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens, and Nina Malovana, the Senior Lecture of the Foreign Languages Department. It should be noted, that Mariia Antoshkina from Melitopol in the report “Problems of motivation of students in English language classes” provided particular advice on increasing motivation in foreign languages studies of applicants for education. In the report of Stanislava Zaitseva, the Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens, “Google Meet platform as a means of developing vocational and communicative competence of foreign students” it was noted, that this platform is a good tool for education for students. The reports of Alina Shevtsova, Mirzazade Sanan Adil Ohly, Olha Konok, Abdulakhad Ambarkulov also provided a good insight into the topics raised at the conference.

In the reports of the section “Social Communication” (the head is Inna Sypchenko, the Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Philology), the issues of analysis of mixed compositions of development of the media plans of advertising messages. In addition, it also includes features of coverage of quarantine in Internet media headlines and methods of interviewing.

In the report of Yaroslav Yanenko, the Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Philology, “Presentation of quarantine in the headlines of the internet mass media” it was clarified peculiarities of regional and All-Ukrainian internet mass media coverage of the fact, that Sumy fell into “red” zone of quarantine. In the report “Application of modern sports PR-communications in forming a positive image of the University” of Vadym Yaremenko, the postgraduate of the Department of Journalism and Philology” was analyzed of sports PR-communications of Sumy State University.

The participants of the sections “Public participation at the level of local self-government: challenges, strategies, mechanisms”, “Topical issues of security and sustainability in the modern world”, “Problems and perspectives of psychological theory and practice” (the heads are Mykola Nazarov and Nataliia Koliada, the Senior Lectures of the Department of Psychology, Politology, and Social-cultural technologies) discussed problems of youth competitiveness on the labour market, gender monitoring of civil society activity in Ukraine. Also they discussed issues of security and sustainability in Ukraine and also the modern world as a whole. They gave a lot of attention to peculiarities of the phenomena of interdependence, attractiveness, alexithymia in modern psychology. It should be noted, that the presentation of student Bohdan Kalahurk “Complex of inferiority and superiority as factors of self-fulfillment” caused lively discussion among conference participants. The student Nataliia Taran not only prepared the report “Possibilities of project management tools in solving the problem of low level of development of certain skills in students”, but also used presented information in practice.

As we can see, this conference has really attracted many students, lecturers, graduates, and postgraduates. The topics covered included problems of modern translation, ethnolinguistics, stylistics, methods and methodologies of linguistic and literary disciplines; questions of religion, culture, social communications; security and sustainability in the modern world, psychological theories and practices, and also social research.

Maryna Nabok, Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty FPSC

Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine,

Main Building, Floor 7 (Room 712)

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +38 0542 335273



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