The presentation of the guidebook “Seven Tips for Rational Media Use in Wartime” was conducted during the Global Week of Media Literacy. This guidebook was created as part of the “Learn and Distinguish: Media Literacy and Education” project. One of the editorial staff is Nataliia PONOMARENKO, a senior lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Philology Faculty FPSC of SumDU.
Moderators of the meeting are Liubov Naidonova (Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, corresponding member of the NAES of Ukraine) and Olena Taranenko (PhD in Philology, Capacity Development Manager of the project “Learn and distinguish: media literacy and education” IREX in Ukraine).
Speakers explained the importance of the mental health of people who are all involved in the educational process during the viewing of content that causes emotional pain in wartime. In addition, the main parts of the guidebook were announced. They told us about a creative and scientific approach to finding a team of authors who can work with emotional triggers, know effective methods of mastering reactions to negative information, and have resources for internal resilience. These guidelines can help teachers and students find ways to help themselves.
— Recently, people have started to hide from news and media content. This prompted the IREX team to start a new media education programme that helps to counteract media trauma. This guidebook will come in handy lectures for the organization work with children and parents. In the edition, you will find valuable advice and activities which support your mental health during viewing complicated content, — remarked Nataliia Ponomarenko.
Let`s develop media literacy together!