Post Date:
04 JULY 2024

On 3 July, a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to bachelor's graduates in 2024 took place at the Faculty FPSC of SumDU. This year, 99 graduates of the Faculty's specialities received bachelor's degrees, 17 of them with honours.

Olena SUSHKOVA, Dean of the Faculty FPSC, read the order to expel former students and noted that the Faculty does not say goodbye to them because a bachelor's degree is only the first step on a professional path. The Faculty FPSC is waiting for graduates to study for a master's degree and postgraduate studies and sees them as future industry workers, employers, guests, and friends of the Faculty.

Diplomas to the graduates of the speciality "Journalism" were awarded by the Head of the Department of Journalism and Philology, Volodymyr SADIVNYCHYI and the editor of thenewspaper "Peremoha" Oleksandr MOTSNYI.

The bachelor's degree graduates in "Philology" received their diplomas from the Vice Head of the Department of Germanic Philology, Oksana BROVKINA. The Vice Dean for Extracurricular Activities and Accommodation Support, Assistant of the Department of Germanic Philology, Anna ZINCHENKO, also addressed the students with a congratulatory speech.

Graduates of the specialities "Social Work," "Psychology and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities" were congratulated by Andriana KOSTENKO, Head of the Department of Psychology, Political Science and Socio-Cultural Technologies, and invited guests: Olena DEMCHENKO, Vice Head of the Department of Secondary Legal Aid and Mediation of the Eastern Interregional Centre for Free Legal Aid; psychologist practicing in the field of "Mental health and psychosocial support" at the Sumy regional organisation of Mariia KARCH, a psychology graduate, and Larysa NIKOLAIENKO, Vice director of educational and methodological work at the Sumy Palace of Children and Youth.

The graduates were congratulated on completing their studies and receiving their diplomas by the Vice Director of the Sumy branch of the Sumy Regional Employment Centre, Halyna DIKHNICH.

This year's bachelor's graduation brought together many participants and guests - teachers, graduates, employers, parents, and friends. Although the event took place indoors, it was a real celebration for yesterday's students. Joy, excitement, pride, and a little sadness filled the hall because student life was coming to an end. It seemed that only yesterday, they came to the Faculty FPSC  as confused freshmen, and today, they confidently hold diplomas, have knowledge and experience, and are ready to conquer professional heights.

The Faculty FPSC of SumDU congratulates the bachelor's graduates on receiving their diplomas and wishes them professional self-realisation, exciting projects, friendly colleagues, new heights, and victories!

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