Degree Programme: English and German Languages and Literatures
- Bachelor’s Degree education;
- educating qualified competitive specialist - a teacher of foreign languages and literatures;
- mastering English and German languages;
- implementing contemporary technologies of learning, conceptual methods of pedagogy, psychology and linguistics;
- development of creative pedagogical activity;
- emphasis on gaining practical skills and professional self-development in terms of contemporary challenges in the educational sphere;
- pedagogical practice in general and specialized secondary educational institutions;
- job placement as a teacher of English and German languages and literatures, methodologist, out-of-school methodologist, philologist, teacher's assistant;
- opportunities for further studying: master's degree in higher education, obtaining a qualification in other degree programmes within major and additional subject areas in the postgraduate education system.
Official web-site of the Foreign Languages Department
Degree Programme: Germanic Languages and Literature (Translation included), the first language is English
- Bachelor’s, Master’s and Postgraduate Degree education;
- two basic languages – English and German, other languages for studying are Polish, Czech, Chinese and Latin;
- option of Extramural education (combined studying);
- postgraduate study in specialization 035 “Philology”;
- services of Translation Training and Resource Center «LinguoStar» (provides preparation, organizing and carrying out international language exams (tests) TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, etc); “Research Office”; “Travel Office”; School of European Languages;
- language practice in Poland, Germany, Great Britain, the USA, Turkey;
- latest technologies for studying in modern language laboratories, video halls, computer classes;
- providing materials for studying on computer media;
- international partnership;
- programmes of students’ academic mobility;
- job placement as employees at diplomatic missions, interpreter at official events, in national and international establishments, governing institutions, private enterprises, teacher of foreign languages in educational institutions, etc.
Official web-site of the department of Germanic philology
Degree Programme: Social Work
- Bachelor’s Degree education;
- aims of the specialty – educating specialists of a new kind in social work field able to work in such spheres as social engineering, HR management, social entrepreneurship, management of social organizations, social diagnostics and prognostics, work with clients, social and correctional work;
- students can use modern computer classrooms, multimedia classrooms, digital audio and video equipment;
- providing disciplines with materials for studying on computer media;
- practice oriented education based on social centers and services, enterprises and organizations of Sumy region and adjoining regions;
- participation in international volunteering programmes and international educational projects (Friedrich Ebert Foundation, USAID programme, the UNO development programme, «Save the children», EU programmes);
- job placement as specialists of HR, rehabilitation, migration services, employment centers, social protection centers, experts in anticrisis technologies.
- studying is by educational degrees: «Bachelor», «Master», «Doctor of Philosophy»;
- forms of education: full-time, extramural, distance, and parallel learning;
- postgraduate studies in the speciality 061 «Journalism»;
collect, select, check facts, weed out fakes and choose the truth, create text, take photos and videos, work with a microphone and on camera, use modern technical means and technological tools of communication, act according to professional standards and ethics of journalists, positively influence sales and image formation.
- Wherever there is information, our graduates are needed.
a journalist, web editor, editor, correspondent, TV and radio presenter, photojournalist, press secretary and speechwriter, international journalist, media manager, etc;
advertising manager, designer, copywriter, SMM specialist, press secretary, public relations and press specialist, speechwriter, etc.
- ALL those passionate about their profession and want to be in it are employed.
Official website of the Department of Journalism and Philology
Degree Programme: Psychology
- Bachelor’s Degree education;
- aims of the specialty – educating specialists of a new kind who can promote reformation in providing psychological services, giving students special innovative skills and knowledge along with the experience of their implementing; providing proper educational level according to norms of European and state standards of higher education;
- educating experts specialized in the sphere of medical, judicial, economic psychology and psychology of sport;
- mastering methods of organizing psychological trainings, psychodiagnostics, consulting, correctional and developing work;
- potent material and technical, educational, methodological and research basis, availability for comprehensive education of specialists (Psychological service, Medical institute, Educational and Research Institute of Law, sport center “Olimpiyskyi”);
- proper level of practical education (40 % of time for studying is devoted to practice), active involvement of students into research activity, personalization of creative self-work;
- job placement as psychologies, coaches and consultants, personnel managers, profilers.
Degree Programme: Management of Social and Cultural Activity
- Bachelor’s Degree education;
- aims of the specialty – educating specialists able to implement their own project-oriented (including entrepreneurial) initiatives in the cultural field;
- mastering technologies of show-business establishing, art, museum, sport, library projects management;
- profilisation: sport as show-business, entrepreneurship and management in the field of culture and art, internet-support of show-business events, the latest information and telecommunication technologies in museum sphere, rebranding of libraries as multifunctional regional cultural centers;
- interdisciplinary education of young people focused on innovative technologies in spheres of culture and tourism, computer sciences, marketing, IT-technologies;
- broadened opportunities of student oriented education implemented via organizing students’ project self-studying;
- potent material and technical basis for practice: concert halls, the recording studio, rehearsal hall with barres for choreography, TV and radio studios, art galleries;
- job placement as director, producers, travel agencies managers, managers of social and cultural projects.